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異步和線程在生成時很有用使用 IronPDF 在 C# 和 VB.NET 中生成高效能的 PDF 文件批量處理或優化效能。
開始使用 IronPDF
IronPDF 完全支持使用其異步渲染方法,例如 RenderHtmlAsPdfAsync
using IronPdf;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
// Instantiate ChromePdfRenderer
ChromePdfRenderer renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
string[] htmlStrings = {"<h1>Html 1</h1>", "<h1>Html 2</h1>", "<h1>Html 3</h1>"};
// Create an array to store the tasks for rendering
var renderingTasks = new Task<PdfDocument>[htmlStrings.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < htmlStrings.Length; i++)
int index = i; // Capturing the loop variable
renderingTasks[i] = Task.Run(async () =>
// Render HTML to PDF
return await renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdfAsync(htmlStrings[index]);
// Wait for all rendering tasks to complete
// await Task.WhenAll(renderingTasks);
Imports IronPdf
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
' Instantiate ChromePdfRenderer
Private renderer As New ChromePdfRenderer()
Private htmlStrings() As String = {"<h1>Html 1</h1>", "<h1>Html 2</h1>", "<h1>Html 3</h1>"}
' Create an array to store the tasks for rendering
Private renderingTasks = New Task(Of PdfDocument)(htmlStrings.Length - 1){}
For i As Integer = 0 To htmlStrings.Length - 1
Dim index As Integer = i ' Capturing the loop variable
renderingTasks(i) = Task.Run(Async Function()
' Render HTML to PDF
Return Await renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdfAsync(htmlStrings(index))
End Function)
Next i
' Wait for all rendering tasks to complete
' await Task.WhenAll(renderingTasks);
IronPDF 具有线程安全性,且在使用 IronPdf.ChromePdfRenderer 渲染引擎时支持多线程。
一個限制是在 macOS 機器上多執行緒的支援有限。
我們發現使用 Parallel.ForEach
模式進行批次處理 PDF 檔案非常有幫助。
using IronPdf;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
var queue = new List<string>() { "<h1>Html 1</h1>", "<h1>Html 2</h1>", "<h1>Html 3</h1>" };
// Instantiate ChromePdfRenderer
ChromePdfRenderer renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// Create a list to store the rendered PDFs
List<PdfDocument> pdfResults = new List<PdfDocument>();
Parallel.ForEach(queue, html =>
// Render HTML to PDF
PdfDocument pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(html);
// You may choose to save the PDF to disk here if needed
// For this example, we'll store it in the pdfResults list
lock (pdfResults)
Imports IronPdf
Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Private queue = New List(Of String)() From {"<h1>Html 1</h1>", "<h1>Html 2</h1>", "<h1>Html 3</h1>"}
' Instantiate ChromePdfRenderer
Private renderer As New ChromePdfRenderer()
' Create a list to store the rendered PDFs
Private pdfResults As New List(Of PdfDocument)()
Parallel.ForEach(queue, Sub(html)
' Render HTML to PDF
Dim pdf As PdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(html)
' You may choose to save the PDF to disk here if needed
' For this example, we'll store it in the pdfResults list
SyncLock pdfResults
End SyncLock
End Sub)
讓我們進行比較。 我還在渲染中額外增加了5秒的延遲。WaitFor 類用於模擬複雜的 HTML 渲染. 以下是使用上述各種技術的性能比較表。
正常渲染 | 非同步渲染 | 多執行緒渲染 |
5.75 秒钟 | 5.59 秒钟 | 5.68秒 |