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C# 運算符(如何對開發者起作用)

發佈 2024年3月6日

在 C# 中,運算子在對變數和數值進行各種操作時扮演著重要角色。 無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的開發人員,對於C# 運算子對於撰寫高效且表達力豐富的程式碼至關重要。 在這份綜合指南中,我們將探討C#中不同類型的運算子以及如何在您的程式中使用它們。 我們還將了解如何使用這些 C# 運算子與IronPDF.


1.1. 算术运算符

C# 中的算術運算子用於基本數學運算。 其中包括加法(+),減法(-), 乘法(*),分區(/)和模數(%). 對於算術運算符,運算符優先級類似於數學運算符優先級中常見的 BEDMAS 或 PEDMAS。


// Arithmetic Operators
        int a = 10;
        int b = 3;
        int sum = a + b;
        int difference = a - b;
        int product = a * b;
        int quotient = a / b;
        int remainder = a % b;
        Console.WriteLine($"Arithmetic Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {sum}, Difference: {difference}, Product: {product}, Quotient: {quotient}, Remainder: {remainder}");
// Arithmetic Operators
        int a = 10;
        int b = 3;
        int sum = a + b;
        int difference = a - b;
        int product = a * b;
        int quotient = a / b;
        int remainder = a % b;
        Console.WriteLine($"Arithmetic Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {sum}, Difference: {difference}, Product: {product}, Quotient: {quotient}, Remainder: {remainder}");
' Arithmetic Operators
		Dim a As Integer = 10
		Dim b As Integer = 3
		Dim sum As Integer = a + b
		Dim difference As Integer = a - b
		Dim product As Integer = a * b
		Dim quotient As Integer = a \ b
		Dim remainder As Integer = a Mod b
		Console.WriteLine($"Arithmetic Operators:")
		Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {sum}, Difference: {difference}, Product: {product}, Quotient: {quotient}, Remainder: {remainder}")
VB   C#

1.2. 關係運算子

關係運算符用於比較值並確定它們之間的關係。 C# 中常見的關係運算子包括大於(請提供您要翻譯的內容。)小於(<),等於(==),不等於(!= )大於或等於(>=),且小於或等於(<=).

// Relational Operators
        bool isEqual = (a == b);
        bool notEqual = (a != b);
        bool greaterThan = (a > b); // true if the left operand is greater than the right
        bool lessThan = (a < b); // true if the left operand is less than the right
        bool greaterOrEqual = (a >= b);
        bool lessOrEqual = (a <= b);
        Console.WriteLine($"Relational Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"Equal: {isEqual}, Not Equal: {notEqual}, Greater Than: {greaterThan}, Less Than: {lessThan}, Greater or Equal: {greaterOrEqual}, Less or Equal: {lessOrEqual}");
// Relational Operators
        bool isEqual = (a == b);
        bool notEqual = (a != b);
        bool greaterThan = (a > b); // true if the left operand is greater than the right
        bool lessThan = (a < b); // true if the left operand is less than the right
        bool greaterOrEqual = (a >= b);
        bool lessOrEqual = (a <= b);
        Console.WriteLine($"Relational Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"Equal: {isEqual}, Not Equal: {notEqual}, Greater Than: {greaterThan}, Less Than: {lessThan}, Greater or Equal: {greaterOrEqual}, Less or Equal: {lessOrEqual}");
' Relational Operators
		Dim isEqual As Boolean = (a = b)
		Dim notEqual As Boolean = (a <> b)
		Dim greaterThan As Boolean = (a > b) ' true if the left operand is greater than the right
		Dim lessThan As Boolean = (a < b) ' true if the left operand is less than the right
		Dim greaterOrEqual As Boolean = (a >= b)
		Dim lessOrEqual As Boolean = (a <= b)
		Console.WriteLine($"Relational Operators:")
		Console.WriteLine($"Equal: {isEqual}, Not Equal: {notEqual}, Greater Than: {greaterThan}, Less Than: {lessThan}, Greater or Equal: {greaterOrEqual}, Less or Equal: {lessOrEqual}")
VB   C#

1.3. 邏輯運算符

邏輯運算符用於對布林值進行邏輯操作。 在 C# 中的常見邏輯運算是 AND(&&),或(**

),並且不是(!**). AND 和 OR 是有兩個運算元的二元運算符,而 NOT 則是單元運算符,這意味著它只影響一個運算元。

// Logical Operators
        bool condition1 = true;
        bool condition2 = false;
        bool resultAnd = condition1 && condition2;
        bool resultOr = condition1 
        bool resultNot = !condition1;
        Console.WriteLine($"Logical Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"AND: {resultAnd}, OR: {resultOr}, NOT: {resultNot}");
// Logical Operators
        bool condition1 = true;
        bool condition2 = false;
        bool resultAnd = condition1 && condition2;
        bool resultOr = condition1 
        bool resultNot = !condition1;
        Console.WriteLine($"Logical Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"AND: {resultAnd}, OR: {resultOr}, NOT: {resultNot}");
IRON VB CONVERTER ERROR developers@ironsoftware.com
VB   C#


賦值運算符用於將值賦給變量。 簡單的賦值運算符是 =。 然而,C# 也提供複合賦值運算子,例如 +=-=、*=/=%=

// Assignment Operators
        int x = 5;
        int y = 2;
        x += y; // Equivalent to x = x + y
        y *= 3; // Equivalent to y = y * 3
        Console.WriteLine($"Assignment Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"x after +=: {x}, y after *=: {y}");
// Assignment Operators
        int x = 5;
        int y = 2;
        x += y; // Equivalent to x = x + y
        y *= 3; // Equivalent to y = y * 3
        Console.WriteLine($"Assignment Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"x after +=: {x}, y after *=: {y}");
' Assignment Operators
		Dim x As Integer = 5
		Dim y As Integer = 2
		x += y ' Equivalent to x = x + y
		y *= 3 ' Equivalent to y = y * 3
		Console.WriteLine($"Assignment Operators:")
		Console.WriteLine($"x after +=: {x}, y after *=: {y}")
VB   C#

1.5. 位元運算子

位運算符在位級別上執行二進制運算。 他們包括位元運算子:位元 AND(&), 按位或( )位元 XOR(^)比特位非或比特補码(~),左移(<<)以及右移(>>).

// Bitwise Operators
        int p = 5; // Binary: 0101
        int q = 3; // Binary: 0011
        int bitwiseAnd = p & q;
        int bitwiseOr = p 
        int bitwiseXor = p ^ q;
        int bitwiseNotP = ~p;
        int leftShift = p << 1;
        int rightShift = p >> 1;
        Console.WriteLine($"Bitwise Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"AND: {bitwiseAnd}, OR: {bitwiseOr}, XOR: {bitwiseXor}, NOT: {bitwiseNotP}, Left Shift: {leftShift}, Right Shift: {rightShift}");
// Bitwise Operators
        int p = 5; // Binary: 0101
        int q = 3; // Binary: 0011
        int bitwiseAnd = p & q;
        int bitwiseOr = p 
        int bitwiseXor = p ^ q;
        int bitwiseNotP = ~p;
        int leftShift = p << 1;
        int rightShift = p >> 1;
        Console.WriteLine($"Bitwise Operators:");
        Console.WriteLine($"AND: {bitwiseAnd}, OR: {bitwiseOr}, XOR: {bitwiseXor}, NOT: {bitwiseNotP}, Left Shift: {leftShift}, Right Shift: {rightShift}");
IRON VB CONVERTER ERROR developers@ironsoftware.com
VB   C#

1.6. 條件運算子(三元運算子)

條件運算子(? :)是一種在單行中表達if-else語句的簡寫方式。

// Conditional (Ternary) Operator
    int age = 20;
    string result = (age >= 18) ? "Adult" : "Minor";
    Console.WriteLine($"Conditional Operator:");
    Console.WriteLine($"Result: {result}");
// Conditional (Ternary) Operator
    int age = 20;
    string result = (age >= 18) ? "Adult" : "Minor";
    Console.WriteLine($"Conditional Operator:");
    Console.WriteLine($"Result: {result}");
' Conditional (Ternary) Operator
	Dim age As Integer = 20
	Dim result As String = If(age >= 18, "Adult", "Minor")
	Console.WriteLine($"Conditional Operator:")
	Console.WriteLine($"Result: {result}")
VB   C#

在此範例中,如果 age 大於或等於 18,則 result 的值將為 "Adult",否則為 "Minor"。

1.7. 空合併運算子


// Null-Coalescing Operator
        int? nullableValue = null;
        int resultCoalesce = nullableValue ?? 10;
        Console.WriteLine($"Null-Coalescing Operator:");
        Console.WriteLine($"Result: {resultCoalesce}");
// Null-Coalescing Operator
        int? nullableValue = null;
        int resultCoalesce = nullableValue ?? 10;
        Console.WriteLine($"Null-Coalescing Operator:");
        Console.WriteLine($"Result: {resultCoalesce}");
' Null-Coalescing Operator
		Dim nullableValue? As Integer = Nothing
		Dim resultCoalesce As Integer = If(nullableValue, 10)
		Console.WriteLine($"Null-Coalescing Operator:")
		Console.WriteLine($"Result: {resultCoalesce}")
VB   C#

1.8. 輸出所有 C# 運算子代碼範例的截圖

C# 運算子 (對開發人員的運作方式):圖 1 - 所有運算子輸出。

2. 介紹IronPDF

IronPDF用於 C# 的函式庫是一個多功能的庫,它使開發者能夠將 PDF 相關功能無縫整合到他們的 .NET 應用程式中。 IronPDF 提供了一整套工具,方便用戶創建、修改和從 PDF 文件中提取信息。 無論是從HTML生成動態PDF、捕捉來自網站的內容,還是執行高級格式化,IronPDF 都能透過直觀的API簡化這些流程。

IronPDF 被廣泛應用於需要 PDF 操作的應用程式中,例如報告生成和文件管理系統,IronPDF 簡化了複雜任務,對使用 C# 和 .NET 技術的開發者來說是一個寶貴的資源。 始終查閱官方文件以獲取準確的使用說明和更新。

2.1. 開始使用 IronPDF

若要在您的 C# 專案中開始使用 IronPDF,您首先需要安裝 IronPDF NuGet 套件. 您可以通過套件管理器主控台使用以下命令來執行此操作:

Install-Package IronPdf

或者,您可以使用 NuGet 套件管理器搜索「IronPDF」,然後從那裡安裝該套件。


2.2. 代碼範例:使用 C# 運算符搭配 IronPDF

using IronPdf;
using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
        // Add content with mathematical operations
        string content = $@"<!DOCTYPE html>
                                <h1>Mathematical Operations in IronPDF</h1>
                                <p>Sum: 5 + 7 = {5 + 7}</p>
                                <p>Product: 3 * 4 = {3 * 4}</p>
                                <p>Division: 10 / 2 = {10 / 2}</p>
                                <p>Modulus: 15 % 4 = {15 % 4}</p>
        // Render HTML content to PDF
        var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(content);
        // Save the PDF to a file
        Console.WriteLine("PDF with mathematical operations created successfully!");
using IronPdf;
using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
        // Add content with mathematical operations
        string content = $@"<!DOCTYPE html>
                                <h1>Mathematical Operations in IronPDF</h1>
                                <p>Sum: 5 + 7 = {5 + 7}</p>
                                <p>Product: 3 * 4 = {3 * 4}</p>
                                <p>Division: 10 / 2 = {10 / 2}</p>
                                <p>Modulus: 15 % 4 = {15 % 4}</p>
        // Render HTML content to PDF
        var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(content);
        // Save the PDF to a file
        Console.WriteLine("PDF with mathematical operations created successfully!");
Imports IronPdf
Imports System
Friend Class Program
	Shared Sub Main()
		Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
		' Add content with mathematical operations
		Dim content As String = $"<!DOCTYPE html>
                                <h1>Mathematical Operations in IronPDF</h1>
                                <p>Sum: 5 + 7 = {5 + 7}</p>
                                <p>Product: 3 * 4 = {3 * 4}</p>
                                <p>Division: 10 / 2 = {10 \ 2}</p>
                                <p>Modulus: 15 % 4 = {15 Mod 4}</p>
		' Render HTML content to PDF
		Dim pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(content)
		' Save the PDF to a file
		Console.WriteLine("PDF with mathematical operations created successfully!")
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

此C#代碼使用IronPDF庫來創建一個包含多個運算符的PDF文檔。 它使用 ChromePdfRenderer 類別來渲染 HTML 內容,其中包括使用 C# 運算符計算的數學表達式。

HTML 內容中包含顯示結果的標題和段落,如總和、乘積、除法和模數,透過字串格式化進行插值。 然後使用 IronPDF 將渲染的 HTML 轉換為 PDF,並將生成的 PDF 保存為「MathOperations.pdf」。

C# 運算子(開發人員如何使用):圖 2 - 來自前述代码的輸出 PDF 文件

3. 結論

掌握 C# 運算子對開發人員來說是基礎的,這能透過算術、關係、邏輯、賦值、位元運算、條件和空合併操作實現高效編碼。 本綜合指南探討了各種操作符類型,並提供了實用的代碼示例。 此外,IronPDF 的推出強調了其在 C# 中與 Excel 相關任務的實用性。

通過將C#運算子無縫整合到IronPDF,開發人員可以輕鬆地在 PDF 檔案中執行算術運算,展現了此庫的多功能性。 總體來說,對 C# 運算子的深刻理解能夠讓開發人員為各類程式設計任務創建更加強大且具表達力的程式碼。

您可以通過訪問此鏈接獲取IronPDF的免費試用許可證連結. 了解更多關於IronPDF的信息,請訪問這裡以及範例程式碼,請參閱這裡.

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