fs extra npm (How It Works For Developers)

Published September 29, 2024


Node.js is a robust, JavaScript runtime that has transformed server-side programming by providing an effective and scalable application development environment. fs-extra and IronPDF stand out among the many Node.js packages available to developers who require sophisticated file handling and PDF creation capabilities.

A more user-friendly API and more methods are available for file operations like copying, moving, and deleting using fs-extra, an improved version of Node's native fs module. Asynchronous programming is also made easier to handle by guaranteeing smooth file system management with promise support and streamlining the handling of JSON files.

Conversely, IronPDF is a powerful PDF library that lets programmers generate, modify, and extract content from PDF files. It works well for creating PDF documents from HTML or unformatted text, combining several PDFs, and adding headers, footers, watermarks, and other customizations to PDFs. Because of this, it's a priceless tool for creating invoices, reports, and other papers on the fly.

Developers may create complex file management systems and produce professional-quality PDFs within their Node.js applications by integrating fs-extra and IronPDF. This combination guarantees that the programs can effectively handle complicated file and document processing duties in addition to increasing productivity.

What is fs extra npm?

A flexible Node.js package called fs-extra expands on the built-in fs (file system) module, offering more features to make routine file operations easier. With functions like fs.copy, fs.move, and fs.remove, it makes operations like copying, moving, and deleting files and directories easier. Apart from that, fs-extra comes with tools to read and write JSON files (fs.readJson, fs.writeJson), verify the existence of directories or files (fs.ensureDir, fs.ensureFile), and perform other handy operations. fs-extra also allows us to replace existing files. The fact that it supports Promises, making the usage of async/await syntax more manageable asynchronous programming, is one of its key features. All the fs methods return promises in their callback. fs-extra which also comes with the sync methods.

fs extra npm (How It Works For Developers): Figure 1 - Node.js: fs-extra

Features of fs-extra

Expanding on the features of the native fs module, fs-extra is an improved file system module for Node.js. It is a well-liked option for developers because it provides a range of strong and practical techniques for managing files and folders. Compared to the original fs module, fs-extra has the following salient characteristics, along with the added promise support to the normal fs methods :

Enhanced File Operations

  • Copy: fs.copy(src, dest): copies directories and files, including nested contents, from the source to the destination.
  • Move: fs.move(src, dest): Transfers folders and files, with the option to rename them.
  • Remove: fs.remove(path): deletes folders and files recursively.

Directory Operations

  • Ensure Directory: fs.ensureDir(path): Verifies if a directory already exists; if not, creates the directory.
  • Empty Directory: fs.emptyDir(path): Deletes a directory but leaves it empty.
  • Ensure File: fs.ensureFile(path): Verifies if a file already exists; if not, creates the file.

JSON Handling

  • Read JSON: fs.readJson(path): Reads a JSON file and parses its content.
  • Write JSON: fs.writeJson(path, data): Writes a JavaScript object to a file as JSON.

Promise Support

  • Promise-Based API: Because most methods return Promises, writing asynchronous code with the async/await syntax is much easier.

Backward Compatibility

  • Full fs Module Support: Because fs-extra includes all standard methods from the native fs module, it can be used as a drop-in replacement with complete backward compatibility.

Convenience Methods

  • Output File: fs.outputFile(path, data): Creates directories if none already exist and writes data to a file.
  • Output JSON: fs.outputJson(path, data): creates folders if none already exist before writing a JavaScript object in JSON to a file.
  • Read File: fs.readFile(path): Reads the content of a file.
  • Write File: fs.writeFile(path, data): Writes data to a file.
  • Path Exists: fs.pathExists(path): Checks if a file or directory exists at the given path.
  • Ensure Symlink: fs.ensureSymlink(srcpath, dstpath): Verifies whether a symbolic link is present, and if not, creates one.

Creating and Configuring a Node.js project with fs-extra

Use the fs-extra library in a Node.js project by creating and configuring it as follows:

Setting Up the Project

Start by creating a new directory for your project and using npm to launch a brand-new Node.js project (npm init -y). This fills in the basic framework for your application.

Install fs-extra

Use npm to install the fs-extra library:

npm install fs-extra
npm install fs-extra
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'npm install fs-extra
VB   C#

Using fs-extra

To illustrate fs-extra usage, open index.js in your preferred text editor and add the following sample code.

// import fs module
const fs = require('fs-extra');
async function performFileOperations() {
  try {
    // Ensure a fs extra directory exists
    await fs.ensureDir('exampleDir');
    // Create a file and write some data to it
    await fs .outputFile('exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'Hello, world!');
    // Read the file
    const data = await fs.readFile('exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'utf-8');
    console.log('File Content:', data);
    // recursively copy files
    await fs.copy('exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'exampleDir/copyOfExampleFile.txt');
    // Move the file
    await fs.move('exampleDir/copyOfExampleFile.txt', 'exampleDir/movedExampleFile.txt');
    // Remove the file
    await fs.remove('exampleDir/movedExampleFile.txt');
    // Ensure a file exists and create it if it doesn't
    await fs.ensureFile('exampleDir/newFile.txt');
    // Write JSON data to a file
    const jsonData = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };
    await fs.writeJson('exampleDir/data.json', jsonData);
    // Read JSON data from a file
    const jsonFileContent = await fs.readJson('exampleDir/data.json');
    console.log('JSON File Content:', jsonFileContent);
  } catch (err) {
// import fs module
const fs = require('fs-extra');
async function performFileOperations() {
  try {
    // Ensure a fs extra directory exists
    await fs.ensureDir('exampleDir');
    // Create a file and write some data to it
    await fs .outputFile('exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'Hello, world!');
    // Read the file
    const data = await fs.readFile('exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'utf-8');
    console.log('File Content:', data);
    // recursively copy files
    await fs.copy('exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'exampleDir/copyOfExampleFile.txt');
    // Move the file
    await fs.move('exampleDir/copyOfExampleFile.txt', 'exampleDir/movedExampleFile.txt');
    // Remove the file
    await fs.remove('exampleDir/movedExampleFile.txt');
    // Ensure a file exists and create it if it doesn't
    await fs.ensureFile('exampleDir/newFile.txt');
    // Write JSON data to a file
    const jsonData = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };
    await fs.writeJson('exampleDir/data.json', jsonData);
    // Read JSON data from a file
    const jsonFileContent = await fs.readJson('exampleDir/data.json');
    console.log('JSON File Content:', jsonFileContent);
  } catch (err) {
' import fs module
Private const fs = require( 'fs-extra');
Async Function performFileOperations() As [function]
	' Ensure a fs extra directory exists
	Await fs.ensureDir( 'exampleDir');
	' Create a file and write some data to it
	Await fs.outputFile( 'exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'Hello, world!');
	' Read the file
	const data = Await fs.readFile( 'exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'utf-8');
	console.log( 'File Content:', data);
	' recursively copy files
	Await fs.copy( 'exampleDir/exampleFile.txt', 'exampleDir/copyOfExampleFile.txt');
	' Move the file
	Await fs.move( 'exampleDir/copyOfExampleFile.txt', 'exampleDir/movedExampleFile.txt');
	' Remove the file
	Await fs.remove( 'exampleDir/movedExampleFile.txt');
	' Ensure a file exists and create it if it doesn't
	Await fs.ensureFile( 'exampleDir/newFile.txt');
	' Write JSON data to a file
	const jsonData = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };
	Await fs.writeJson( 'exampleDir/data.json', jsonData);
	' Read JSON data from a file
	const jsonFileContent = Await fs.readJson( 'exampleDir/data.json');
	console.log( 'JSON File Content:', jsonFileContent);
  Catch e1 As err
  End Try
End Function
VB   C#

The above code snippet illustrates the features of the improved Node.js file system module, fs-extra library. The script implements an asynchronous method called performFileOperations to carry out several file operations after importing fs-extra. Using fs.ensureDir() method, it first verifies that a directory with the name "exampleDir" exists. Then, using fs.outputFile() method, it creates a file called "exampleFile.txt" inside this directory and puts the text "Hello, world!" to it. Using fs.readFile(), the script reads the contents of the file and logs it to the console.

Console Output

fs extra npm (How It Works For Developers): Figure 2 - Console output for the Node.js application using fs-extra library for file handling.

Additionally, it uses recursive functions like fs.copy() to copy the file to "copyOfExampleFile.txt" and then uses fs.move to move this copy to "movedExampleFile.txt". Then, fs.remove() is used to delete the relocated file. The script uses fs.ensureFile() function to verify the existence of "newFile.txt" and fs.writeJson() to write a JSON object to "data.json" file. Lastly, it uses fs.readJson() to read the JSON data back from the file and logs it to the console. Errors that arise throughout these procedures are noted and recorded. The usefulness and ease of use of fs-extra for file and directory management in Node.js is then demonstrated by calling the function performFileOperations to carry out these operations one after the other.


fs extra npm (How It Works For Developers): Figure 3 - File explorer output displaying the exampleDir directory and files created programmatically using fs-extra library in Node.js application

Combining fs-extra with IronPDF

A potent toolkit for Node.js developers is produced by combining IronPDF for reliable PDF production with fs-extra for improved file system operations. This tutorial will show you how to build up a Node.js project using IronPDF and fs-extra, and it will include sample code that shows how to use them together.

What is IronPDF?

An IronPDF library is a potent Node.js library that seeks to convert HTML data into incredibly high-quality PDF files. It speeds up the process of turning HTML, CSS, and other JavaScript files into properly formatted PDFs without compromising the original online content. This is a highly useful tool for web applications that need to produce dynamic, printable documents such as invoices, certifications, and reports.

IronPDF has several features, including customizable page settings, headers, footers, and the option to add fonts and images. It can manage complex styles and layouts to ensure that every test PDF output meets the specifications. Moreover, IronPDF controls JavaScript execution within HTML, allowing for accurate dynamic and interactive content rendering.

fs extra npm (How It Works For Developers): Figure 4 - IronPDF for Node.js: The Node.js PDF Library

Features of IronPDF

PDF Generation from HTML

Convert HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to PDF. supports two modern web standards: media queries and responsive design. handy for using HTML and CSS to dynamically decorate PDF documents, reports, and bills.

PDF Editing

It is possible to add text, images, and other material to already-existing PDFs. Extract text and images from PDF files. merge many PDFs into a single file. Split PDF files up into several distinct papers. Add headers, footers, annotations, and watermarks.

Performance and Reliability

In industrial contexts, high performance and reliability are desirable design attributes. easily handles large document sets.

Install IronPDF

To gain the tools you need to work with PDFs in node.js projects, install the IronPDF package.

npm install @ironsoftware/ironpdf
npm install @ironsoftware/ironpdf
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'npm install @ironsoftware/ironpdf
VB   C#

Integrating fs-extra npm with IronPDF

To show how to utilize fs-extra and IronPDF, open index.js in your preferred text editor and add the following code.

const fs = require('fs-extra');
const IronPdf = require("@ironsoftware/ironpdf");
const document=IronPdf.PdfDocument;
var config=IronPdf.IronPdfGlobalConfig
async function createAndManagePDF() {
  try {
    // Ensure the parent directories exist
    const outputDir = 'output';
    await fs.ensureDir(outputDir);
    // Define the HTML content for the PDF
    const htmlContent = `
          <title>Sample PDF</title>
          <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
          <p>This is a sample PDF generated using IronPDF and fs-extra.</p>
    // Initialize IronPDF and generate a PDF from the HTML content
    let pdf= await document.fromHtml(htmlContent);
    const pdfPath = `${outputDir}/sample.pdf`;
    await pdf.saveAs(pdfPath);
    console.log('PDF generated successfully:', pdfPath);
    // Read the PDF file
    const pdfData = await fs.readFile(pdfPath);
    console.log('PDF file size:', pdfData.length);
    // Copy the PDF file
    const copiedPdfPath = `${outputDir}/copied_sample.pdf`;
    await fs.copy(pdfPath, copiedPdfPath);
    console.log('PDF copied successfully:', copiedPdfPath);
    // Move the copied PDF file
    const movedPdfPath = `${outputDir}/moved_sample.pdf`;
    await fs.move(copiedPdfPath, movedPdfPath);
    console.log('PDF moved successfully:', movedPdfPath);
    // Remove the original PDF file
    await fs.remove(pdfPath);
    console.log('Original PDF removed successfully:', pdfPath);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Error during PDF creation and management:', err);
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const IronPdf = require("@ironsoftware/ironpdf");
const document=IronPdf.PdfDocument;
var config=IronPdf.IronPdfGlobalConfig
async function createAndManagePDF() {
  try {
    // Ensure the parent directories exist
    const outputDir = 'output';
    await fs.ensureDir(outputDir);
    // Define the HTML content for the PDF
    const htmlContent = `
          <title>Sample PDF</title>
          <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
          <p>This is a sample PDF generated using IronPDF and fs-extra.</p>
    // Initialize IronPDF and generate a PDF from the HTML content
    let pdf= await document.fromHtml(htmlContent);
    const pdfPath = `${outputDir}/sample.pdf`;
    await pdf.saveAs(pdfPath);
    console.log('PDF generated successfully:', pdfPath);
    // Read the PDF file
    const pdfData = await fs.readFile(pdfPath);
    console.log('PDF file size:', pdfData.length);
    // Copy the PDF file
    const copiedPdfPath = `${outputDir}/copied_sample.pdf`;
    await fs.copy(pdfPath, copiedPdfPath);
    console.log('PDF copied successfully:', copiedPdfPath);
    // Move the copied PDF file
    const movedPdfPath = `${outputDir}/moved_sample.pdf`;
    await fs.move(copiedPdfPath, movedPdfPath);
    console.log('PDF moved successfully:', movedPdfPath);
    // Remove the original PDF file
    await fs.remove(pdfPath);
    console.log('Original PDF removed successfully:', pdfPath);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('Error during PDF creation and management:', err);
const fs = require( 'fs-extra');
const IronPdf = require("@ironsoftware/ironpdf")
const document=IronPdf.PdfDocument
Dim config=IronPdf.IronPdfGlobalConfig config.setConfig({licenseKey: ''});
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: Local functions are not converted by Instant VB:
'async @function createAndManagePDF()
'  try
'  {
'	' Ensure the parent directories exist
''INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
''	const outputDir = 'output'; await fs.ensureDir(outputDir); const htmlContent = ` <html> <head> <title> Sample PDF</title> </head> <body> <h1> Hello, world!</h1> <p> This is a sample PDF generated using IronPDF @and fs-extra.</p> </body> </html> `; let pdf= await document.fromHtml(htmlContent); const pdfPath = `${outputDir}/sample.pdf`; await pdf.saveAs(pdfPath); console.log('PDF generated successfully:', pdfPath); const pdfData = await fs.readFile(pdfPath); console.log('PDF file size:', pdfData.length); const copiedPdfPath = `${outputDir}/copied_sample.pdf`; await fs.copy(pdfPath, copiedPdfPath); console.log('PDF copied successfully:', copiedPdfPath); const movedPdfPath = `${outputDir}/moved_sample.pdf`; await fs.move(copiedPdfPath, movedPdfPath); console.log('PDF moved successfully:', movedPdfPath); await fs.remove(pdfPath); console.log('Original PDF removed successfully:', pdfPath); } catch(err) { console.@error('@Error during PDF creation @and management:', err); } } createAndManagePDF();
VB   C#

The above Node.js code sample combines IronPDF for creating and managing PDF files with fs-extra for advanced file system operations. It starts by ensuring that a directory called "output" exists by creating a directory with fs.ensureDir(). A directory is just a hierarchical grouping of directories and files. The structure of the PDF that will be created is defined by the HTML content, which is contained in htmlContent. It inserts the HTML content using fromHtml() method and saves the resultant PDF to "output/sample.pdf" using saveAs() function, all using IronPDF's PdfDocument class.


fs extra npm (How It Works For Developers): Figure 5 - Console output for the Node.js application combining fs-extra and IronPDF libraries. The program uses fs-extra library for file and directory handling and uses IronPDF library to the convert HTML content to a PDF document.

fs-extra is used to continue file operations: The fs.readFile() obtains the PDF's content for tracking its size. The fs.copy() duplicates the generated "output/sample.pdf" to "output/copied_sample.pdf", then fs.move() method moves this copy to "output/moved_sample.pdf", and removes the original PDF. Try-catch block error handling makes sure that any problems that arise during the execution of fs methods or activities are identified and recorded. Overall, this configuration demonstrates how to enhance file operations with fs-extra and how to create and manipulate PDFs with ease in Node.js apps with IronPDF.


fs extra npm (How It Works For Developers): Figure 6 - Output PDF generated using IronPDF and fs-extra: moved_sample.pdf


Finally, fs-extra and IronPDF together provide a solid solution for managing file system operations and PDF production in Node.js applications. With its improved methods, fs-extra makes activities like creating directories, copying, relocating, and deleting files easier and offers a solid base for effective file management. But IronPDF offers versatility in document creation and processing, allowing HTML information to be converted into PDF documents with ease.

When combined, these libraries give developers the ability to easily create dynamic apps that can create, manage, and work with PDF files. With the integration of fs-extra and IronPDF, developers can satisfy a variety of document handling needs in Node.js environments with strong capabilities, whether they are creating invoices, reports, or dynamic documents.

With the help of IronPDF and IronSoftware, you can expand your toolkit for node development with OCR, barcode scanning, PDF production, Excel interaction, and a host of other functions. IronSoftware's highly configurable systems and array of community-supported plugins enable developers to create features and web apps more quickly.

Along with detailed documentation of IronPDF starts only at $749.

Developers can choose the best model easily if project-specific license options are clearly described. These features enable developers to quickly and effectively resolve a variety of problems.

Guest: Engage Elephant

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