Class SecurityOptions

  • public class SecurityOptions
    extends Object
    A class defining user security settings for a PDF document.

    Allows the developer to control user access passwords, encryption, and also who may edit, print and copy content from the PDF document

    See: SecurityManager.setSecurityOptions(SecurityOptions).

    • Constructor Detail

      • SecurityOptions

        public SecurityOptions()
        Instantiates a new Security options. A class defining user security settings for a PDF document.

        Allows the developer to control user access passwords, encryption, and also who may edit, print and copy content from the PDF document

        See: SecurityManager.setSecurityOptions(SecurityOptions).

    • Method Detail

      • isAllowUserAnnotations

        public final Boolean isAllowUserAnnotations()
        Is allow user annotations boolean. The permissions for users to annotate the PDF document with comments.

        If AllowUserAnnotations is set false, the setOwnerPassword(String) must be set for the security measure to take effect.

        the boolean
      • setAllowUserAnnotations

        public final void setAllowUserAnnotations​(Boolean value)
        Sets allow user annotations. The permissions for users to annotate the PDF document with comments.

        If AllowUserAnnotations is set false, the setOwnerPassword(String) must be set for the security measure to take effect.

        value - the value
      • isAllowUserCopyPasteContent

        public final Boolean isAllowUserCopyPasteContent()
        Is allow user copy and paste content boolean. The permissions for users to extract or 'copy & paste' content (text and images) from the PDF document.

        If AllowUserCopyPasteContent is set false, the setOwnerPassword(String) must also be set for the security measure to take effect.

        the boolean
      • setAllowUserCopyPasteContent

        public final void setAllowUserCopyPasteContent​(Boolean value)
        Sets allow user copy and paste content. The permissions for users to extract or 'copy & paste' content (text and images) from the PDF document.

        If AllowUserCopyPasteContent is set false, the setOwnerPassword(String) must also be set for the security measure to take effect.

        value - the value
      • isAllowUserCopyPasteContentForAccessibility

        public final Boolean isAllowUserCopyPasteContentForAccessibility()
        Is allow user copy and paste content for accessibility boolean. The permissions for users to extract or 'copy & paste' content (text and images) from the PDF document for accessibility.
        the boolean
      • setAllowUserCopyPasteContentForAccessibility

        public final void setAllowUserCopyPasteContentForAccessibility​(Boolean value)
        Sets allow user copy and paste content for accessibility. The permissions for users to extract or 'copy & paste' content (text and images) from the PDF document for accessibility.
        value - the value
      • getAllowUserEdits

        public final PdfEditSecurity getAllowUserEdits()
        Gets allow user edits. The permissions for users edit the PDF document. The features to edit the document depends entirely on the PDF client software used by the end user.

        If editing rights are restricted, then the setOwnerPassword(String) must be set for the security measure to take effect.

        allow user edits value
      • setAllowUserEdits

        public final void setAllowUserEdits​(PdfEditSecurity value)
        Sets allow user edits. The permissions for users edit the PDF document. The features to edit the document depends entirely on the PDF client software used by the end user.

        If editing rights are restricted, then the setOwnerPassword(String) must be set for the security measure to take effect.

        value - the value
      • isAllowUserFormData

        public final Boolean isAllowUserFormData()
        Is allow user form data boolean. The permissions for users to fill-in (enter data into) forms in the PDF document.

        If AllowUserFormData is set false, the setOwnerPassword(String) must be set for the security measure to take effect.

        Note. If you want to make the form readonly in Adobe Acrobat Reader please call Security_Api.makePdfDocumentReadOnly(InternalPdfDocument, String) method or set setAllowUserEdits(PdfEditSecurity) to PdfEditSecurity.NO_EDIT and set setOwnerPassword(String).

        allow user form data value
      • setAllowUserFormData

        public final void setAllowUserFormData​(Boolean value)
        Sets allow user form data. The permissions for users to fill-in (enter data into) forms in the PDF document.

        If AllowUserFormData is set false, the setOwnerPassword(String) must be set for the security measure to take effect.

        Note. If you want to make the form readonly in Adobe Acrobat Reader please call Security_Api.makePdfDocumentReadOnly(InternalPdfDocument, String) method or set setAllowUserEdits(PdfEditSecurity) to PdfEditSecurity.NO_EDIT and set setOwnerPassword(String).

        value - the value
      • getAllowUserPrinting

        public final PdfPrintSecurity getAllowUserPrinting()
        Gets allow user printing. The permissions for users to print the PDF document.

        If print rights are restricted, then the setOwnerPassword(String) must be set for the security measure to take effect.

        allow user printing value
      • setAllowUserPrinting

        public final void setAllowUserPrinting​(PdfPrintSecurity value)
        Sets allow user printing. The permissions for users to print the PDF document.

        If print rights are restricted, then the setOwnerPassword(String) must be set for the security measure to take effect.

        value - the value
      • getUserPassword

        public final String getUserPassword()
        Gets user password. The user password and enables 128Bit encryption of PDF content.

        A user password is a password that each user must enter to open or print the PDF document.

        the user password
      • setUserPassword

        public final void setUserPassword​(String value)
        Sets user password. The user password and enables 128Bit encryption of PDF content.

        A user password is a password that each user must enter to open or print the PDF document.

        value - the value