Class RadioField

  • public class RadioField
    extends FormField
    The type Radio field.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RadioField

        public RadioField​(int annotationIndex,
                          String name,
                          int pageIndex,
                          double x,
                          double y,
                          double width,
                          double height,
                          String value,
                          List<String> options,
                          int selectedIndex,
                          boolean readOnly)
        (INTERNAL) Please Get RadioFormField from FormFieldsSet.getRadioFields() from FormManager.getFields()
        annotationIndex - the annotation index
        name - the name
        pageIndex - the page index
        x - the x
        y - the y
        width - the width
        height - the height
        value - the value
        options - the options
        selectedIndex - the selected index
        readOnly - the read only
    • Method Detail

      • getOptions

        public final List<String> getOptions()
        Gets options. The available options for the radio form in zero based index order.
        the option names as strings.
      • getSelectedIndex

        public final int getSelectedIndex()
        Gets The index of the selected option.
        the index of the selected. 0 based.