Class TextAnnotation

  • public final class TextAnnotation
    extends Object
    Defines a Sticky-Note style PDF annotation. Annotation_Api.addTextAnnotation(InternalPdfDocument, TextAnnotation)
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextAnnotation

        public TextAnnotation()
        Instantiates a new text annotation.
      • TextAnnotation

        public TextAnnotation​(String contents)
        Instantiates a new text annotation.
        contents - the contents of the 'sticky note' annotation
    • Method Detail

      • getColorCode

        public String getColorCode()
        Gets the color of the annotation's 'Sticky Note'. Uses CSS '#ff66BB' hex color style.
        the color code string.
      • setColorCode

        public void setColorCode​(String value)
        Sets the color of the annotation's 'Sticky Note'. Uses CSS '#ff66BB' hex color style.
        value - the color code string.
      • getContents

        public String getContents()
        Gets the contents of the 'sticky note' annotation.
        the contents of the 'sticky note' annotation.
      • setContents

        public void setContents​(String value)
        Sets the contents of the 'sticky note' annotation.
        value - the contents text.
      • isHidden

        public boolean isHidden()
        Hides the annotation from users.
        the isHidden value.
      • setHidden

        public void setHidden​(boolean value)
        Hides the annotation from users.
        value - the isHidden value.
      • getOpacity

        public double getOpacity()
        Gets the opacity of the annotation (valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0).
        the opacity of the annotation.
      • setOpacity

        public void setOpacity​(double value)
        Sets the opacity of the annotation (valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0).
        value - the opacity of the annotation (valid values are from 0.0 to 1.0).
      • isOpenByDefault

        public boolean isOpenByDefault()
        The annotation to be opened and readable by default, without user interaction.
        the value of isOpenByDefault.
      • setOpenByDefault

        public void setOpenByDefault​(boolean value)
        Sets the annotation to be opened and readable by default, without user interaction.
        value - the value of isOpenByDefault.
      • isPrintable

        public boolean isPrintable()
        Is allows the annotation to be printed when users print the PDF.
        the isPrintable value.
      • setPrintable

        public void setPrintable​(boolean value)
        Sets allows the annotation to be printed when users print the PDF.
        value - the isPrintable value.
      • isReadOnly

        public boolean isReadOnly()
        Sets the annotation to be read only.
        the isReadOnly value.
      • setReadOnly

        public void setReadOnly​(boolean value)
        Sets the annotation to be read only.
        value - the isReadOnly value.
      • isRotatable

        public boolean isRotatable()
        Is rotateable boolean. Allows the annotation to be rotated. E.g. when the containing page os rotated.
        the rotatable boolean.
      • setRotatable

        public void setRotatable​(boolean value)
        Sets rotatable. Allows the annotation to be rotated. E.g. when the containing page os rotated.
        value - the rotateable value.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a String that represents this annotation.
        toString in class Object
        A String that represents this instance.
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Gets title. The main title of the annotation as displayed in the header of the 'sticky note'.
        the title
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String value)
        Sets title. The main title of the annotation as displayed in the header of the 'sticky note'.
        value - the value
      • getSubject

        public String getSubject()
        Gets subject. The subject of the annotation as displayed in the header of the 'sticky note'.
        the subject.
      • setSubject

        public void setSubject​(String value)
        Sets subject. The subject of the annotation as displayed in the header of the 'sticky note'.
        value - the value.
      • getIcon

        public AnnotationIcon getIcon()
        Gets icon. An icon to visually represent the 'sticky note' annotation.
        the icon.
      • setIcon

        public void setIcon​(AnnotationIcon value)
        Sets icon. An icon to visually represent the 'sticky note' annotation.
        value - the value.
      • getRectangle

        public Rectangle getRectangle()
        Gets the X and Y coordinates, as well as the width and height, of the annotation's icon and interactive area in pixels.
      • setRectangle

        public void setRectangle​(Rectangle rectangle)
        Sets the X and Y coordinates, as well as the width and height, of the annotation's icon and interactive area in pixels.
      • getPageIndex

        public int getPageIndex()
        Gets index of the page to add the annotation. The first page has a PageIndex of 0
      • setPageIndex

        public void setPageIndex​(int pageIndex)
        Sets index of the page to add the annotation. The first page has a PageIndex of 0
      • getAnnotationIndex

        public int getAnnotationIndex()
        Gets index of the annotation on a page. The first page has a annotation_index of 0
      • setAnnotationIndex

        public void setAnnotationIndex​(int annotationIndex)
        Sets index of the annotation on a page. The first page has a annotation_index of 0