All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AnnotationIcon Icons used to interact (open/close) with a PDF annotation on a page.AnnotationManager Class used to add annotations to aPdfDocument
.AnnotationOptions Class used to configure annotations to aPdfDocument
.AttachmentManager Class used to edit attachment to aPdfDocument
.BarcodeEncoding Barcode Encoding Types.BarcodeStamper Allows the developers to add Barcode(s) and QR code(s) to PDF documents elegantly and easily.Bookmark Represents a PDF bookmark as seen in the sidebar of PDF reader software to help users navigate.BookmarkDestinations A class allowing for future implementations of Bookmark to link to places other than PDF pages.BookmarkManager Class used to add , edit and remove bookmarks from aPdfDocument
outline.ChangeTrackingModes The unit of measurement used for positioning and sizing.CheckBoxField The type Check box field.ChromeHttpLoginCredentials Provides credentials for IronPdf's embedded Chrome browser to log in to an intranet, extranet or website, impersonating a user.ChromePdfRenderOptions Html To PDF output options forRender_Api
.ComboBoxField The type Combo box field.CssMediaType Defines which style-sheet should be rendered.DrawImageOptions Defines options available to the developers when drawing images onto aPdfDocument
.FitToPaperModes Behaviors when fitting HTML content to a physical paper size Can affect zoom level and css layoutFontTypes Supported PDF FontsFormField Generic base class from which all PDF Form fields are derived.FormFieldsSet A container class contains the list of form field separated by the type.FormFieldTypes Form field typesFormManager Class used to read and write data to AcroForms in aPdfDocument
.HeaderFooterOptions Defines options for Headers and Footers applied to aPdfDocument
during rendering or at any other time.HorizontalAlignment Horizontal layout alignment relative to the PDF page.HtmlHeaderFooter A Html Header or Footer which will be printed onto every page of the PDF.HtmlStamper Defines an HTML stamper allowing developers to edit aPdfDocument
by adding new content designed in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.ImageBehavior Defines layout behavior relative to the page size when creating a PDF from images.ImageField ImageStamper This allows the user to edit an existing PDF by adding an image.IronPdfDeploymentException Represents errors that occur during IronPDF binary asset deployment.IronPdfEngineConnection IronPdfEngineConnection is a configuration class used to set up various connection modes for IronPdfEngine.IronPdfEngineConnection.ConnectionMode IronPdfInputException IronPdfLicensingException Get a free development license at or purchase a deployment license from Represents errors that occur from native code within IronPDF.IronPdfProductException Represents meaningful errors that are thrown explicitly by IronPDF.Length A length value withMeasurementUnit
License Allows developers to apply license keys for of IronPDF for JavaMeasurementUnit The unit of measurement used for positioning and sizing.MetadataManager Class used to read and edit MetaData in aPdfDocument
.NaturalLanguages Natural Languages SpecificationPageInfo A class which represents one page of a PDF Document.PageRotation PageRotation setting of a PDF pagePageSelection A PageSelection is a collection of pages from a PDF document.PaperOrientation Paper OrientationPaperSize Defines the target virtual paper size the PDF.PdfDocument Represents a PDF document.PdfEditSecurity Enumeration defining levels of PDF user access rights to edit a PDF.PdfPrintSecurity Enumeration defining levels of PDF user access rights to print a PDF.RadioField The type Radio field.SecurityManager Allows the developer to control: user access passwords, encryption, and also who may edit, print and copy content from the PDF document.SecurityOptions A class defining user security settings for a PDF document.Settings Important global settings for configuration of IronPDF for JavaSettings.ChromeGpuModes Chrome GPU hardware utilization when rendering HTML to PDFSignature A class that represents a PDF signing certificate (.PFX or .p12) format which can be used to digitally sign a PDF.SignatureField SignatureManager Class used to sign , get and signature from aPdfDocument
.SignaturePermissions Permission options for a PDF document which is digitally signedStamper Defines a PDF Stamper.TableOfContentsTypes Table of contents layout typeTextAnnotation Defines a Sticky-Note style PDF annotation.TextField TextHeaderFooter Defines a text based PDF Header and Footer.TextStamper This allows the user to edit an existing PDF by adding some stamped text.ToImageOptions Defines options when rasterizing (converting) an PDf to image objects and files.VerifiedSignature A class that represents a verified digital signature for a PDF document.VerticalAlignment Vertical layout alignment relative to the PDF page.WaitFor WaitForType Type of wait-for for the user to have a chance to control when to commit rendering.