Updated October 20, 2024

How to Use IronPdfEngine

IronPdfEngine is a gRPC server designed to manage various IronPDF operations, including creating, writing, editing, and reading PDFs.

{Link to Download IronPDF for Java on ironpdf.com}

IronPdf for Java and IronPdfEngine

IronPdf for Java requires IronPdfEngine to run. The Java code is just an API mask over IronPdfEngine gRPC. So when you call any method in IronPdf for Java, the magic will happen inside IronPdfEngine!

By default, IronPdf for Java will spawn IronPdfEngine as a subprocess and talk to it until your application shuts down.

Please note
Each version of IronPdf for Java requires a specific version of IronPdfEngine. Cross-version compatibility is not supported.

IronPdf for Java with Local IronPdfEngine

Option 1: Download IronPdfEngine at Runtime

By default, after you install IronPdf in your Java project, on the first run, IronPdf will detect your platform (e.g., Windows x64) and download the correct IronPdfEngine binaries from the internet.



  • Your application package will be small.
  • Can deploy on many platforms


  • Internet access is needed on the first runs
  • Slow startup time

IronPdf Java allows you to add IronPdfEngine as a dependency. These IronPdfEngine dependencies bundle IronPdfEngine to a .zip file and will extract and use automatically.

You may choose to install one or multiple of these IronPdfEngine dependencies.

Please note
ironpdf and ironpdf-engine-xxx-xxx dependency version must be the same.

ironpdf-engine-xxx-xxx dependency version does not refer to the version of IronPdfEngine inside.

For Windows x64


For Windows x86


For Linux x64


For macOS x64


For macOS arm


Please note
Each dependency is quite large, so it's not advisable to install them all.


  • Faster startup time.
  • Internet access is not needed after the dependency is installed.


  • Your application package will be large.
  • Need to specify the target platforms.

IronPdf for Java with Remote IronPdfEngine

To use remote IronPdfEngine, a specific version of IronPdfEngine is needed. For example, if IronPdf for Java version 2024.2.2 requires IronPdfEngine version 2024.2.2, do not use IronPdfEngine version 2024.2.1. Use the getIronPdfEngineVersion method to check for the version needed.

String ironPdfEngineVersion = Settings.getIronPdfEngineVersion();

How to Connect

Assume that IronPdfEngine is up and running remotely at 123.456.7.8:33350

Refer to Instructions on How to Pull and Run IronPdfEngine

You just need to tell IronPdf where IronPdfEngine is (please make sure that address is accessible, not blocked by the firewall). Add this code at the initial stage of your application (or just before calling any IronPdf method).


Simple as that! After this, your application will be connected to the Remote IronPdfEngine!

For remote IronPdfEngine, installing IronPdfEngine as a dependency is not needed. You can skip the section titled "Option 2 (recommended) install IronPdfEngine as a dependency."

Chaknith Bin

Chaknith Bin

Software Engineer


Chaknith works on IronXL and IronBarcode. He has deep expertise in C# and .NET, helping improve the software and support customers. His insights from user interactions contribute to better products, documentation, and overall experience.