How to Use the Rendering Options

by Chaknith Bin

Rendering options in PDF generation refer to the settings and configurations that determine how a PDF document is created, displayed, and printed. These options can include a wide range of settings, such as rendering form field elements, enabling JavaScript, generating a table of contents, adding headers and footers, adjusting margins, setting PDF paper size, and more.

The ChromePdfRenderer class in IronPDF provides various rendering options that allow users to customize how PDFs are generated. It includes PaperFit, a manager that controls how content is laid out on PDF pages, offering different layout styles such as responsive CSS3 layouts or continuous feed.

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Rendering Options Example

Despite many rendering option properties being specifically designed for HTML-to-PDF conversion, they can also be used in other types of PDF conversions. Let's render Markdown syntax to PDF and use the rendering options to configure the PDF output.

using IronPdf;

// Instantiate Renderer
ChromePdfRenderer renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();

// Configure rendering options
renderer.RenderingOptions.PrintHtmlBackgrounds = true;
renderer.RenderingOptions.HtmlHeader = new HtmlHeaderFooter()
    HtmlFragment = "<h1>Header Content</h1>"
renderer.RenderingOptions.SetCustomPaperSizeinMilimeters(150, 150);
renderer.RenderingOptions.MarginTop = 0;

// Markdown string
string md = "This is some **bold** and *italic* text.";

// Render from markdown string
PdfDocument pdf = renderer.RenderMarkdownStringAsPdf(md);

// Save the PDF
Imports IronPdf

' Instantiate Renderer
Private renderer As New ChromePdfRenderer()

' Configure rendering options
renderer.RenderingOptions.PrintHtmlBackgrounds = True
renderer.RenderingOptions.HtmlHeader = New HtmlHeaderFooter() With {.HtmlFragment = "<h1>Header Content</h1>"}
renderer.RenderingOptions.SetCustomPaperSizeinMilimeters(150, 150)
renderer.RenderingOptions.MarginTop = 0

' Markdown string
Dim md As String = "This is some **bold** and *italic* text."

' Render from markdown string
Dim pdf As PdfDocument = renderer.RenderMarkdownStringAsPdf(md)

' Save the PDF
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All Rendering Options

We have some advanced options that define PDF-rendering options like adjusting margins, paper orientation, paper size, and more.

Below is a table to illustrate the many different options.

DescriptionUsed to define PDF print out options, like paper size, DPI, headers and footers
Properties / functionsTypeDescription
CustomCookiesDictionary<string, string>Custom cookies for the HTML render. Cookies do not persist between renders and must be set each time.
PaperFitVirtualPaperLayoutManagerA manager for setting up virtual paper layouts, controlling how content will be laid out on PDF "paper" pages. Includes options for Default Chrome Behavior, Zoomed, Responsive CSS3 Layouts, Scale-To-Page & Continuous Feed style PDF page setups.
UseMarginsOnHeaderAndFooterUseMarginsUse margin values from the main document when rendering headers and footers.
CreatePdfFormsFromHtmlboolTurns all HTML form elements into editable PDF forms. Default value is true.
CssMediaTypePdfCssMediaTypeEnables Media="screen" CSS Styles and StyleSheets. Default value is PdfCssMediaType.Screen.
CustomCssUrlstringAllows a custom CSS style-sheet to be applied to HTML before rendering. May be a local file path or a remote URL. Only applicable when rendering HTML to PDF.
EnableJavaScriptboolEnables JavaScript and JSON to be executed before the page is rendered. Ideal for printing from Ajax / Angular Applications. Default value is false.
EnableMathematicalLaTexboolEnables rendering of Mathematical LaTeX Elements.
JavascriptstringA custom JavaScript string to be executed after all HTML has loaded but before PDF rendering.
JavascriptMessageListenerStringDelegateA method callback to be invoked whenever a browser JavaScript console message becomes available.
FirstPageNumberintFirst page number to be used in PDF Headers and Footers. Default value is 1.
TableOfContentsTableOfContentsTypesGenerates a table of contents at the location in the HTML document where an element is found with id "ironpdf-toc".
GrayScaleboolOutputs a black-and-white PDF. Default value is false.
TextHeaderITextHeaderFooterSets the footer content for every PDF page as text, supporting 'mail-merge' and automatically turning URLs into hyperlinks.
HtmlHeaderHtmlHeaderFooterSets the header content for every PDF page as HTML. Supports 'mail-merge'.
InputEncodingEncodingThe input character encoding as a string. Default value is Encoding.UTF8.
MarginTopdoubleTop PDF "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications. Default value is 25.
MarginRightdoubleRight PDF "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications. Default value is 25.
MarginBottomdoubleBottom PDF "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications. Default value is 25.
MarginLeftdoubleLeft PDF "paper" margin in millimeters. Set to zero for border-less and commercial printing applications. Default value is 25.
PaperOrientationPdfPaperOrientationThe PDF paper orientation, such as Portrait or Landscape. Default value is Portrait.
PaperSizePdfPaperSizeSets the paper size
SetCustomPaperSizeinCentimetersdoubleSets the paper size in centimeters.
SetCustomPaperSizeInInchesSets the paper size in inches.
SetCustomPaperSizeinMilimetersSets the paper size in millimeters.
SetCustomPaperSizeinPixelsOrPointsSets the paper size in screen pixels or printer points.
PrintHtmlBackgroundsBooleanIndicates whether to print background-colors and images from HTML. Default value is true.
RequestContextRequestContextsRequest context for this render, determining isolation of certain resources such as cookies.
TimeoutIntegerRender timeout in seconds. Default value is 60.
TitleStringPDF Document Name and Title metadata, useful for mail-merge and automatic file naming in the IronPdf MVC and Razor extensions.
ForcePaperSizeBooleanForce page sizes to be exactly what is specified via IronPdf.ChromePdfRenderOptions.PaperSize by resizing the page after generating a PDF from HTML. Helps correct small errors in page size when rendering HTML to PDF.
WaitForWaitForA wrapper object that holds configuration for wait-for mechanism for users to wait for certain events before rendering. By default, it will wait for nothing.

Chaknith Bin

Software Engineer

Chaknith is the Sherlock Holmes of developers. It first occurred to him he might have a future in software engineering, when he was doing code challenges for fun. His focus is on IronXL and IronBarcode, but he takes pride in helping customers with every product. Chaknith leverages his knowledge from talking directly with customers, to help further improve the products themselves. His anecdotal feedback goes beyond Jira tickets and supports product development, documentation and marketing, to improve customer’s overall experience.When he isn’t in the office, he can be found learning about machine learning, coding and hiking.