using IronPdf;
using IronPdf.Editing;
using System;
// Use HtmlStamper to stamp Html onto pdf
HtmlStamper htmlStamper = new HtmlStamper("<h1>Html stamp</h1>")
VerticalOffset = new Length(-200, MeasurementUnit.Pixel),
HorizontalOffset = new Length(-200, MeasurementUnit.Pixel),
// Use TextStamper to stamp text with custom font onto pdf
TextStamper textStamper = new TextStamper("Hello World! Stamp One Here!")
FontFamily = "Bungee Spice",
UseGoogleFont = true,
FontSize = 30,
// Use ImageStamper to stamp images onto pdf
Uri filepath = new Uri(@"C:\assets\logo.png"); // absolute path or URL
ImageStamper imageStamper = new ImageStamper(filepath)
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
MinWidth = new Length(20),
MinHeight = new Length(20),
// Use BarcodeStamper to stamp QR code/Barcode onto pdf
BarcodeStamper barcodeStamper = new BarcodeStamper("IronPDF", BarcodeEncoding.Code39)
MaxHeight = new Length(5),
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Stamper[] stamps = { htmlStamper, textStamper, imageStamper, barcodeStamper };
var pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("Unstamped.pdf");
Imports IronPdf
Imports IronPdf.Editing
Imports System
' Use HtmlStamper to stamp Html onto pdf
Private htmlStamper As New HtmlStamper("<h1>Html stamp</h1>") With {
.VerticalOffset = New Length(-200, MeasurementUnit.Pixel),
.HorizontalOffset = New Length(-200, MeasurementUnit.Pixel)
' Use TextStamper to stamp text with custom font onto pdf
Private textStamper As New TextStamper("Hello World! Stamp One Here!") With {
.FontFamily = "Bungee Spice",
.UseGoogleFont = True,
.FontSize = 30
' Use ImageStamper to stamp images onto pdf
Private filepath As New Uri("C:\assets\logo.png") ' absolute path or URL
Private imageStamper As New ImageStamper(filepath) With {
.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
.MinWidth = New Length(20),
.MinHeight = New Length(20)
' Use BarcodeStamper to stamp QR code/Barcode onto pdf
Private barcodeStamper As New BarcodeStamper("IronPDF", BarcodeEncoding.Code39) With {
.MaxHeight = New Length(5),
.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
Private stamps() As Stamper = { htmlStamper, textStamper, imageStamper, barcodeStamper }
Private pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("Unstamped.pdf")
Install-Package IronPdf
Ajouter du contenu HTML de manière efficace
IronPDF.PdfDocument.ApplyMultipleStamps permet aux développeurs d'apposer rapidement plusieurs types de tampons sur une ou plusieurs pages d'un PDF. Pour en savoir plus sur cette fonctionnalité et sur d'autres capacités d'IronPDF, visitez le site web de l'entreprisePage produit IronPDF pour plus d'informations.
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